TRO – Temporary Restraining Order
A temporary restraining order stops the foreclosure on a home, temporarily. This can last 30-60 days depending on the situation. A TRO should only be used in certain circumstances where the mortgage will be brought to current/reinstated with payment in those 30-60 days or, if there is a contract to sell the home, where the seller & buyer need a temporary amount of time to finalize the contract, & the home sale will be completed in that amount of time.
We cannot guarantee the outcome or conclusion due to numerous complicated factors. We can only make recommendations & suggestions, but the outcome is determined by a judge. We know that facing foreclosure is difficult & it is hard to know what legal actions you can do to help yourself & not lose your home. A TRO is temporary, & we recommend that if you are not able to reinstate the loan or catch up on your payments according to your lender to seek other options.