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Forming a LLC is a simple way of structuring your business to protect your personal assets in case your business is sued. With a LLC, you can purchase property under the LLC. However, there can still be liens and judgments against the property. The LLC protects your personal assets, but properties of a LLC can still incur liens and judgements.
One of the major advantages of having a LLC is that it is a federal pass-through entity. This means that the LLC itself is not responsible for paying taxes, but the individuals who make income in the LLC are individually responsible for taxes.
In addition to the pass-through entity tax benefit and the liability barrier; there are some other great things about having a LLC that are important.
First, a LLC is continued beyond death, retirement, resignation, insanity, bankruptcy or expulsion, because the entity will continue to exist.
Second, as an owner, you have the right and power to transfer all of your ownership interest to a non-owner without obtaining consent from the other owners.
Third, you can create a management that does not include owners who have control of the entity.
Fourth, all of the owners are not personally liable for debts, obligations, and liability of the entity.
Fifth, a LLC has flexibility with how it can be organized, managed, controlled, and financially structured. In respect to capital contributions, sharing of profits and losses, distributions, termination, dissolution and liquidation a LLC is easier than dealing with parties. This is especially true after death and with community property laws.
An LLC usually takes a few days to process, and a period of time usually one-two weeks to receive confirmation. The LLC can be active in a number of days if it is not denied LLC status, but the acknowledgement is usually mailed which usually is what takes more time. A simple phone call can usually remedy this.
An LLC can help protect you, in case of bankruptcy and failure to pay creditors. It shields your personal assets from being claimed as business property in case of a lawsuit, judgment, or a debt. When you form an LLC, you establish a new business entity that is legally separate from its owners. This separation provides what is called limited liability protection. As a rule, if the LLC can’t pay its debts, the LLC’s creditors can go after the LLC’s bank account and other assets.
We are a San Antonio Real Estate Law firm that offers fixed fee rates for a variety of legal transaction services, including Owner Finance & Wraparound Closings, Foreclosures, Deeds & Releases, Real Estate Contracts, Title Issues & Judgments, Wills & Estates, Probate & Administration, & LLC Formations. If you need help assessing your case give our office a call.
Victor has been doing real estate transactions as a lawyer since 2002 & as an investor himself since 2003. There are a lot of nuances with real estate & we hope that if you have any questions to contact us during regular business hours. Along with being a Real Estate Attorney, Victor is also a Real Estate Broker, making his expertise long standing & efficient.
We are a San Antonio Real Estate Law firm that offers fixed fee rates for a variety of legal transaction services, including Owner Finance & Wraparound Closings, Foreclosures, Deeds & Releases, Real Estate Contracts, Title Issues & Judgments, Wills & Estates, Probate & Administration, & LLC Formations. If you need help assessing your case give our office a call.
Victor has been doing real estate transactions as a lawyer since 2002 & as an investor himself since 2003. There are a lot of nuances with real estate & we hope that if you have any questions to contact us during regular business hours. Along with being a Real Estate Attorney, Victor is also a Real Estate Broker, making his expertise long standing & efficient.
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Located on IH-10 Between Huebner & De Zavala off Woodstone: 11815 W IH-10 #107, San Antonio, TX 78230
Located on IH-10 Between Huebner & De Zavala off Woodstone: 11815 W IH-10 #107, San Antonio, TX 78230
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Located on IH-10 Between Huebner & De Zavala off Woodstone: 11815 W IH-10 #107, San Antonio, TX 78230